The Community & Maternity Champions (CMC) Programme builds on the skills and knowledge of local communities. It brings together residents and services in a community led approach that better meets local health and social care needs.
Community Champions are local people who volunteer their time and make use of their networks to connect friends, families and neighbours with local services – at the same time identifying problems and finding solutions to issues of local concern Whilst there a strong sense of community locally and a wide range of excellent services, health indicators are poor and people are not living as well or as long as they could. The Community Champions spread important messages and promote services that can make a big difference to people’s health and quality of life.

Maternity Champions are highly skilled, local volunteers with a passion for supporting parents on their parenting journey. MCs help new parents through a series of programmes including preparing for birth, breastfeeding, baby massage and first aid.
Where we operate from
The programme comprises of three projects– Addison, Parkview and Edward Woods Community and Maternity Champions. For more information on the projects, activities and volunteering opportunities contact your local champion’s project.