The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) enables organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors to make safer recruitment decisions

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) enables organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors to make safer recruitment decisions

If you are an organisation or a charity working with children or vulnerable adults, it may be necessary for paid workers and volunteers to undergo DBS checks, UPG can help you in a process!

DBS checks are designed to prevent unsuitable candidates from working or volunteering with vulnerable adults and children. It is a vital part of safeguarding process. 

DBS checks are an analysis and records of a person’s past, looking specifically at any convictions, cautions, reprimands and warning they may have received. 

Days & Times for DBS application processing

9.00am – 12:00 (noon)

To make a DBS application follow the steps below:

  • 1. Email to request a DBS application

  • 2. Provide 3 original documents from the list below to prove your identity:

    • Valid and current passport
    • Driving license
    • Utility bills issued in last 3 months
    • Bank statement, or credit card statement issued in last 3 months.

    All documents must be valid, current, and original! Photocopies and internet prints are not acceptable! The full list of acceptable documents can be found on the Government website

  • 3. You will be asked to make a payment depending on the type of application you are requesting, prices shown below:


    • £20 for standard or enhanced DBS check (just a £20 admin fee)


    • £46 Standard DBS check (£18 gov. fee & £28 admin fee)
    • £65 Enhanced with barred lists DBS check (£38 gov. fee & £27 admin fee)
    • £65 Enhanced DBS check (£38 gov. fee & £27 admin fee)
  • 4. Sign the DBS Privacy Policy Declaration

useful contact details