The Masbro Elders Project is for anyone living in Hammersmith and Fulham over 55 years of age.
The weekly Tea Club offers users the chance to get involved in a varied programme of activities, events and outings. Creative courses are offered as part of the Tea Club through the year, this includes arts and crafts, drawing and painting and theatre workshops. The club is also an opportunity for members to connect and form friendships and support groups to help reduce isolation.
The Elders Project also offers a Befriending Service and an Advice and Information Service.

Befriending Service

Our Befriending Service is available to anyone 65 years of age and over, in particular frail, housebound elders who are at risk of isolation due to mobility or other health-related issues. Our friendly volunteer befrienders are all DBS checked, and as part of their thorough induction receive mandatory training to help them in their role.

Masbro Elder's Befriending Service Hammersmith & Fulham

Advice & Information Service

Masbro Elder's Project information & advice in Hammersmith & Fulham

The Project offers Advice & Information to older people in the community and provide individual case work to help with issues such as liaising with Adult Social Services, mental health services, sheltered housing applications Dial-a -Ride registration amongst other things.

useful contact details