Masbro Centre London W14 Community services


providing services and activities to the local people living in Hammersmith and Fulham

providing services and activities to the local people living in Hammersmith and Fulham

The Masbro Centre offers a wide range of services for families and individuals living in Hammersmith and Fulham. Activities include Children’s Centres and family outreach provision for families who have a child under 5 years of age, borough-wide parenting programmes, sports and leisure facilities, Disclosure and Barring Service, volunteering, adult education classes, employment support service, crèche facilities, art and pottery workshops and Push N Pull fitness studio.
The centre also provides community spaces for hire, to run activities for the local community or to host events. Masbro Centre is situated between Hammersmith and Shepherds Bush.

news & events from the MASBRO CENTRE