Masbro Brook Green Nursery offers 24 childcare places for children who are 2 years old and eligible for the 15 hours of funded childcare from the government.
Children start the term after they turn 2 and stay with us until the term after they turn 3.
We are a dedicated team of 6 Early Years professionals offering a free flow learning environment with an ethos of learning through play. Our nursery is friendly and welcoming and focuses on promoting the 7 areas of learning through a combination of child led and adult initiated play.

news & events from Brook Green Nursery

Masbro Brook Green garden

Our nursery benefits from a large outdoor garden which has been recently renovated to a high standard to ensure children have access to a rich outside learning environment whatever the weather.
Masbro Brook Green Nursery garden ensures children have access to a rich outside learning environment
Masbro Brook Green Nursery garden has sheltered spaces so children can play outside whatever the weather

applying for place at our nursery

Parents can apply for a place online by clicking on the button below.

Upon receipt of their eligibility letter, they can then contact us directly regarding spaces. If spaces are available, an appointment will be made to view the nursery and speak to the manager.

Masbro Brook Green Nursery learning through play

useful contacts

Masbro Brook Green nursery early years childcare